Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Even Worse Than Stinky Tofu

Okay - I did not think that anything could be more gross than Stinky Tofu...but I was horribly wrong!!! Today they took us to the market and we were walking by all of the food stands. At one of the stands they had a shish-ka-bob that was baby chicks that looked like they had been hard boiled in the eggs, removed from the egg and then skewered on a stick (with feathers still attached) and were ready for grilling. It started out with all of us staring in amazement and disgust; but then the mob mentality took over and it became about who would be brave enough to actually eat one. Patrick stepped forward to say that he would eat it, but now it meant that everyone's Man Card was at stake! So one by one we all braved this new world of flavors and gagging!!! Within a few short minutes it was finished and everyone was still in possession of his Man Card (and a very upset stomach)!!!

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