Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Great Lunch

Today was a great day but most of it I can't talk about until we are back in the States. The locations that we visited and the vision that was cast must wait for face to face encounters for security purposes!

But we did get to have lunch with an incredible group of young men. Most of them have only been members of our family for a very short while. But as we sat at lunch they started asking questions about the Book and about how to live their lives according to our Father's will. Their passion of Him and His will was overwhelming. These young college students have sacrificed so much just to be a part of the family and they are not going to do it half-way!! I was humbled by their striving after our Father. It was a great lunch!

Blessings - Khris

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Now That Will Humble You!

Tonight we had the opportunity to sit in on another secret gathering. They started by going around the group talking about their week. One by one they shared how they had told someone about our Father and how they had responded to the News. I was blown away with their commitment to expanding our family! I thought, "They are here in a dangerous place where it is illegal for them to talk about our Father and yet they do it all the time! But even though I am allowed to do it any time I want to, I so rarely take the opportunity." I want to be more like those men! I want to be driven the way that they are driven, I want to be passionate as they are passionate, I want to be more like them!!! I have a lot to learn!

Humbled - Khris

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Even Worse Than Stinky Tofu

Okay - I did not think that anything could be more gross than Stinky Tofu...but I was horribly wrong!!! Today they took us to the market and we were walking by all of the food stands. At one of the stands they had a shish-ka-bob that was baby chicks that looked like they had been hard boiled in the eggs, removed from the egg and then skewered on a stick (with feathers still attached) and were ready for grilling. It started out with all of us staring in amazement and disgust; but then the mob mentality took over and it became about who would be brave enough to actually eat one. Patrick stepped forward to say that he would eat it, but now it meant that everyone's Man Card was at stake! So one by one we all braved this new world of flavors and gagging!!! Within a few short minutes it was finished and everyone was still in possession of his Man Card (and a very upset stomach)!!!

Another Miraculous Day!

The last two days have been powerful! Last night David had the opportunity to give a lecture on leadership and team building at one of the universities. During the Q&A a student asked him the key to his success in business. David was able to respond that it was because of his relationship with our Father that he was able to do anything with his life. He said, "He is great, I am not great!" It was really powerful!

Then today was absolutely incredible!! We started this morning with a tour of the Great Wall (breathtaking)! After lunch we had the opportunity to go onto one of the campuses. We just walked around and engaged students in conversation. We had the chance to share with one, but he was very cynical. Then we struck up a conversation with another and he seemed very interested. He called his girlfriend who then joined him. We were able to clearly tell him about his opportunity to be adopted into our family and both he and his girlfriend asked if they could have our Father in their lives. We listened as they gave themselves to our Father - it was INCREDIBLE!!!

There is no doubt that our Father is doing powerful things in this place - I am in awe!!

Blessings - Khris

Monday, April 27, 2009

New Family Member

Yesterday during the Gathering I told you that Shayna was talking with a woman about our Dad. They talked for about 1 hour and then the girl had to go home. Today Shawn and I were walking around campus asking our Dad to show His might in that place when we ran into the girl. We sat down with her and began to talk and she decided that she wants to be a part of our family and asked Dad to forgive her! It was incredible. Then she asked Shawn if she has to keep asking Dad to let her be a part of the family and Shawn replied, "No you only have to do it once." She cried out in English, "Well that's FANTASTIC!!" It was an incredible moment!

Blessings - Khris

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Stinky Tofu!

I forgot to mention that yesterday I had the opportunity to try Stinky Tofu (yes I said "stinky" not "sticky"). Stinky tofu is exactly what it sounds like...stinky tofu - seriously it smells like an outhouse! It is one of the most rancid smells that I have ever encountered!! Well it is a delicacy around here, but no one would try it...but you know me I had to try! It actually was not that bad, but the smell stays with you for a while! Ahh the joys of a new culture!

Today begins the real work - talk to our Father on our behalf and ask for His might to be at work!

Blessings - Khris

Awesome Day

What an incredible day!

We started with worship at the International Christian Fellowship here. This church is only for those who are not nationals - they check your passport at the door! It was really incredible seeing how so many different people give praise!

Then we went to the Summer Palace and to the Olympic Park. These are truly incredible people who could do much in the spread of our Father's name!

Then we capped off the night with a Skype call to our great family!

Our Father is doing great things! We should all strive to love Him more!!

Blessings - Khris

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Confidential Meeting

Last night we went to one of the Company's confidential meetings. It was a truly humbling experience to watch these men and women meet to give thanks to our Father. These simple meetings can become so routine for us and yet for them they are an incredible gift - we have a lot to learn from them!!

On a side note we were able to get some sleep last night so hopefully the worst of the jet-lag will be behind us.

I hate that I will miss our meeting in Prosper on Sunday - looking forward to seeing each of you!!

Blessings - Khris

We Made It!!

Okay that was one incredibly LLLOOONNNGGG flight!! But we are here and checked into our hotel (24 hours after leaving Prosper). The culture is so entirely different that it leaves you bewildered - we have been so thankful for our friends here that have helped us to get where we need to be!

There is no doubt that our Father is at work in this place and that many more are soon to join our family! It is going to be an incredible time!

Friday, April 24, 2009

We Have Begun!

Well we just arrived in San Francisco and now we await boarding for East Asia!! After the four hour trip from DFW to San Francisco the coming 14 hours seems all the more daunting! It is at moments like this that I am most aware of my ADD and the fact that airline seats were not made for men my size!

We are all very excited about the coming days - I know that our Father will do mighty things for His name!

I will try to update the blog several times a day so check back often!

Blessings - Khris